jm wordpress social spin premium wordpress plugin

Jminfotech is releasing the new version of Jm Wp super Spin WordPress plugin with some new features. Now you can spin your social icons clockwise or anti clock wise. Build with jquery and css.
Jm WordPress Social Icons Spinner

Jm wordpress Super spin is a simple and powerful wordpress plugin, With this plugin You can spin your social icon, in easy three steps. upload your own social icon, set your URL, choose weather you want to display vertical or horizontal. You can use the shortcode [jmss-wp-super-spin] in page/post, template tag for php file also you can use the widget “jmss-wp-super-spin” for sidebar
- Lightweight
- All major browser support(cross browser compatible)ie7,8,9,Mozila,chrome, opera, safari and more
- Auto swith to css3 while jquery back or you can specify the option
- With Custom short code you can place any where in your post page
- Easily added to sidebar by dragging the widget jmss_wp_super spin
- Easily integrate with your template php file.
- On deactivation purse management (the wp-options) cleared
- While delete the icon set the actual image clear from file
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